By now, you may have heard about Elon Musk’s handpicked CEO for X, Linda Yaccarino, and her disastrous interview with CNBC’s Julia Boorstin at Vox Media’s Code 2023 event. However, somewhat overlooked amid some of the more viral moments of the discussion, Yaccarino dropped some previously unknown stats that don’t exactly paint such a rosy picture for the company:

X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, is losing daily active users under the leadership of Elon Musk.

Speaking at Vox Media’s Code 2023 tech conference earlier this week, X CEO Linda Yaccarino shared that the company currently has 225 million daily active users – a decline in tens of millions or 11.6 percent of users from just before Musk acquired the company.

According to a series of tweets that Musk himself posted in November of last year, Twitter had 254.5 million daily active users the week before his takeover in late November of last year.

Following the conference, X revised its daily active user count to 245 million daily active users, according to The Information. Before specifically saying X had 225 million active users, Yaccarinno previously cited “200 to 250 million” daily active users earlier in the interview.

However, even X’s revised number of 245 million daily active users would still see X lose millions or around 3.7 percent of daily active users from before Musk’s acquisition.

In fact, daily active users are even down from the numbers that Musk shared last year when he was in charge. According to the aforementioned Musk tweet, Twitter had 259.4 million daily active users in mid-November 2022. Compared to the daily active users Twitter was pulling late last year under Musk’s leadership, X has shed nearly 15 million users – a drop of roughly 5.6 percent.

Twitter first started sharing this metric, which the company refers to as monetizable daily active users or mDAU, years before Musk even planned to buy the company. The reason? Twitter’s daily active user numbers were reliably more favorable for the company than its other metrics when it shared its quarterly reports for investors and shareholders.

When Yaccarino was first asked about user metrics during the interview, she seemingly wanted to move away from that particular conversation, saying that X had between 200 and 250 daily active users. She then moved the discussion to the platform’s Communities feature, the company’s answer to Facebook Groups, saying X had 50,000 communities and that engagement numbers and time spent in those communities were up since June.

Along with the daily active user metrics, Yaccarino also shared that X now has a record 550 million monthly active users. This would be up from the 541 million “monthly users” metric that Musk shared in a post in July.

It’s unclear, however, just how much of the monthly active user growth has happened under Musk when compared to how the company was doing prior to his takeover. That’s because in 2019, Twitter stopped reporting this number in favor of the daily active user metric. The company entered that year with 321 million monthly active users, the last publicly reported monthly active user metric directly from Twitter.

It should be noted that Musk has shifted away from both the daily and monthly active user numbers in favor of “unregretted user minutes,” a metric seemingly made-up by Musk.

    1029 months ago

    That’s still stunningly more people still using it than they deserve. I guess it’s hard to create new social networks.

    • dinckel
      219 months ago

      A lot of people I talk to just don’t care about social media anymore. Either deleted/deactivated profiles, or just stopped being there. It’s all either corporate bs, fake engagement, ragebait, or you’re psychologically manipulated into scrolling through content you don’t even enjoy

        39 months ago

        Which is interesting because you and I both on social media interacting. Are we here because of the lack of algorithms/corporate bullshit?

          59 months ago

          Part of why I liked reddit was that the site was, in my experience, content-first rather than user-first. Social media like Instagram feels very centered around the users trying to get likes and subscribes, trying to gain a following, and that kind of bullshit. On reddit (and here) I pretty much never look at someone’s name. No one feels like they’re trying to build a following or a brand. It was just a place for people to talk about Elden Ring or whatever.

          I never really used facebook so I can’t speak to that authoritatively, but remember when they tried to see if they could make everyone sad? And somehow no one went to jail over it?

          But I’m an old man who yells at clouds. I don’t know if that’s how other people use social media.

        • dinckel
          19 months ago

          That is one of the reasons why I enjoy this platform, so far. I feel like when something is posted, I can have a proper conversation about what’s happening. And a polite one, on top of that

            19 months ago

            I think I’m the same way? I know I much rather build my feed into something I want to read as opposed to what the algorithm thinks I want to read.

            • dinckel
              9 months ago

              It’s not even about my own feed at that point. The platform is just irredeemable. They’ve shown that bigots, nazis, “secret government controversy”, and evangelicals are all welcome there, and with that said, I have nothing I could want there

      209 months ago

      Isn’t this assuming “active daily users” equate to people? Wouldn’t it stand to reason that “active daily users” are simply bots Musk has allowed to proliferate throughout the platform?

    • stonedonkey
      179 months ago

      It’s not … people think it is… but i left Facebook, insta, Twitter and etc and I still talk to friends… I still talk to family…

      I don’t get in pointless arguments or support racists and facists.

      All and all it’s win win.

    509 months ago

    It’s honestly fucking hilarious how hard Musk has Trumped this company.

    People are still going to call it twitter and tweeting because it’s usable in a sentence. Calling it “x” is a thoroughbred-mouthbreather move. For example:

    “Twitter tweeted an announcement that it would add disclaimers to tweets with misleading and false information regarding voter fraud”

    “X x’d an announcement that it would add disclaimers to x’s that american elections are rigged and Trump and Musk are totally not the swamp they complain about”

    Blaze your glory!

    At a certain point it’s not trolling, you’re just being a retard.

      9 months ago

      Musk wanted a swastika, but the PR department said hard no. After firing half the department, they still said no and proposed using X instead as it’s close enough. Musk had been pretending it was his idea since then.

      29 months ago

      Calling it “x” is a thoroughbred-mouthbreather move.

      I’m calling it X. That site doesn’t deserve to be called Twitter anymore. Let them lose the recognizable brand and cling onto a random letter that makes searches and discussions about it much harder.

  • Bloody Harry
    499 months ago

    What I find most interesting, though, is that there were only 250 Million daily active users in the first place. Musk paid like 176 bucks per user. There’s no way he could’ve milked that much revenue out of the users in any reasonable time frame.

    Sure, there’s weekly and monthly active users, but how many ads can you possibly show someone who spends 5 minutes per week on formerly-known-as-Twitter?

      389 months ago

      Looking at his recent posts it looks like he didn’t buy it to make money but to increase his influence. Just recently he promoted a post that calls to vote for the farright party in Germany for example.

      • Flying Squid
        209 months ago

        That was the one bonus to him. He bought it because he made a stupid 420 joke that had legal ramifications (and not for the first time). He tried to back out of buying it but it was too late.

          49 months ago

          I thought it was just a way to sell a shitload of Tesla shares while the market was high, without it making it look like he wanted to sell TSLA. But then he got caught by the tail, and now he is just making what he thinks is best out of the situation. When life gives you Twitter, make it X? Idk.

    • Joe
      119 months ago

      Oh I don’t know… twitter was probably seen as good tool for more pump & dump and other financial scams, not to mention the opportunity to influence worldwide politics.

      Then there’s the wish to turn it into an everything app with micro transactions at every step of the way. Such a beast wouldn’t get far in the EU, and probably not the US either.

    • MeanEYE
      189 months ago

      Am actually surprised people expected different outcome. Sure, some security and privacy loving people would have left. Others might have been against new policies or disliked where it was going. But majority are just going to do what majority does… that is to say, stay.

      People have been so desensitized to so many things I wouldn’t be surprised if someone invented butt-plugs which vibrate near a restaurant with good reviews and people would be trampling over each other on black friday to buy a six pack for the whole family. Regardless of the fact it tracks your movement and makes you walk like a broom stick is stuck in your rectum. It gives good reviews!!! And then of course Apple would come 3-18 years late to the market and invent anodized aluminum one which has a glowing logo so fans can recognize each other by glowing bottoms and everyone would scream revolution.

      • V H
        79 months ago

        I’m mostly shocked they’ve not lost more and faster. I get more engagement on my ~500 follower Mastodon account than my ~50k follower twitter account these days (sure, I could paid the manchild for more exposure, and if he wasn’t so insufferable and had actually made the service better, I might’ve considered that)

        • MeanEYE
          29 months ago

          It’s possible that you have different audience type on those two. But regardless, your own experience is not a measure of millions of users at large.

          • V H
            29 months ago

            If my own experience had been unique, or been contradicted by the data, you’d have a point, but it’s an experience shared by almost everyone I follow, many of whom have abandoned larger followings on Twitter for the same reason, and it’s an experience where the only thing in question given the data is how rapid the decline is, not whether the decline is happening.

    • falkerie71
      169 months ago

      Can’t speak for other people, but I use Twitter and Reddit for different reasons. I use Reddit for communities I have an interest in, so when the move to Lemmy/kbin started, it wasn’t that hard for me to migrate over. For Twitter though, I use it to follow specific people and/or company news, so unless they decide to migrate to Mastodon or other platforms, Twitter will still be a site I visit.

        99 months ago

        Nah man, I prefer following people outside of Twitter/Mastodon. But mostly they call the police.

    • Flying Squid
      09 months ago

      Especially journalists. Why are you using a platform that is actively hostile to you?

        -19 months ago

        Exposure. Present day journalism lives and dies by exposure. If you’re not willing to prostitute yourself for exposure, you have no chance

      -89 months ago

      So far no one has given me compelling reason to leave.

      Why do you care anyways? I can’t figure out why anyone would use something like Facebook or TikTok either, but they do and I’m not going around calling them spineless. Not everyone needs to like/not like the things I do.

        69 months ago

        Why do you care anyways?

        Because I want enshittified platforms to fail so this horrible “trend” can stop and companies actually start focusing again on “how to make a better site” instead of “how to make the site that will make us the most money”

          9 months ago

          This is a good example of what I mean, when I said that no one has given me a compelling reason. Not everyone needs to like/not like things you do. I’d like other people to do things that would benefit my desires aswell, but I don’t go around demanding that. Twitter is no shittier today, than it was the day I joined. From my perspective, nothing has changed, so I have no more reason to leave than I had reason to join in the first place.

      • arefx
        9 months ago

        I don’t use any of them but I understand someone wanting to use FB way more than twitter lol, twitter has always been the most useless to me. Im not sure I can really think of anything it does something else doesnt do better.

          • arefx
            9 months ago

            Content creators? Bro they are tweets.

            Reddit is mostly 14 year olds and toxic chronic Internet dwellers who somehow also are the most normie person ever.

            Honestly all social media is shit. Even lemmy.

              9 months ago

              Content creators? Bro they are tweets.

              What? Because I choose to share my pictures on twitter, I don’t count as a content creator?

  • Obinice
    349 months ago

    Considering it’s a Fascist platform now, it would be alarming if it weren’t losing users.

    Especially given that it used to have billions of users, back when it wasn’t Fascist.

    9 months ago

    That’s very disappointing. So at least 90% of people are still on there, if not 95% or even 98% still there. That’s barely more than a rounding error. Fuck, that is disappointing.

    • Jamisonn Bishop
      139 months ago

      Government, corporate, and celebrities haven’t budged. That’s the problem. I left about 2 weeks after the blue checks started getting pushed to the top of comments. Those blue-checklefucks are trash.

      109 months ago

      It’s not that easy to break an addiction, but I have faith that Musk can fuck this website up juuuuust enough to chase away a higher percentage.

      59 months ago

      It took 16 years to build the network to where it was, it’ll take a long time for it to fall apart. Think of it like a train network. Imagine if the NY subway lost 3% of its stations, and some riders who either went from or to that station stopped using the subway. People might say “oh, it’s no big deal, just 3%, it’s still super useful to have a subway.” But then those riders that stopped using it are no longer using the other stations on their trips, and it’s then 3% harder to justify every station on the network. So any station that was borderline not worth it before now becomes definitely not worth it, and those drop. So now it’s 6% lower, and so on until there’s no stations left.

        09 months ago

        My friend, I’ll take your first point in good faith. It is in the right it’ll take a long time to fall apart. True. Thank you, I’m cheered up. I will kindly offer the following for the rest of your comment, as honest freindly help. You present a false analogy fallacy, we’re talking passenger losses, not stations. Then you segue into a slippy slope fallacy. I mean, it’s a nice comment and all, but factually 97% count on users or 103% is just noise it the data. We cannot conclude much at all from it and that’s why it’s factually and honestly, disappointing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      9 months ago

      Most people probably don’t subscribe to news feeds that you or I might. They probably only see a blurb about anti-semitism and such going up.

      I subscribe to a bunch of tech news and nerd blogs. I see multiple reports of each major change, with multiple takes, and multiple examples. My awareness of the problems is a lot higher than I expect the average user and I never even used the service.

      It’s useful to remember that people who bother moving to an alternative that is less prominent and harder to engage are already quite different from the average. Those who signed up for BlueSky got invites to an alternative, so that doesn’t count. They did it to have a seat at the next potential big thing. Lemmy and Mastadon do not strike me as potential-next-big-things.

      ETA: stream of consciousness, just woke up.

        19 months ago

        Yeah, I imagine that this concentrated the cesspool even more, increased concentration of extremism, whether political or religious, just by removing moderates. I was going to use the term liberals with a small “l” because that’s what the damn word means, but went with inventing a new noun to be clear.

      09 months ago

      Not everyone wants to come to niche communities where none of their friends are. Normal people just ignore Musk and interact with their friends. Something you Lemmy users don’t seem to know how to do.

    329 months ago

    What the fuck are “unregretted user minutes”? I regret every minute any user spends on that site, so it should be zero.

    269 months ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if she’d just pulled that 225M out of her ass to not look completely clueless, as it’s right in the middle of the ballpark 200-250M she mumbled about earlier.

          19 months ago

          It would just be such a weird thing to lie about, and then not even pick the largest option. She undoubtedly knows the previous number, she could have just repeated that instead of making one up.

    219 months ago

    ~10% is absolutely nothing in the big picture. I’m much more interested in seeing who stays around when the platform starts charging a subscription

    219 months ago

    I don’t trust the numbers anyway. And although Musk pretended to be angry about bots inflating the user stats to try to get out of buying the company after the gag got real, he hasn’t exactly discouraged bots from inflating the numbers now.

  • Possibly linux
    189 months ago

    I’m going to pretend I’m surprised.

    Seriously though, what was the rational for the name change

      149 months ago

      Sunk cost fallacy. Musk has wanted to create an “internet bank” named “X” since working on PayPal. His partners never let him name it “X” (probably because it’s an objectively bad name) so ever since then he has wanted to make “X” a reality.

      I think he was planning on quickly rolling crypto out to every account to make some weird monetization scheme where he doesn’t actually have to pay anyone, but then by the time the purchase was finalized the crypto market went bust and a lot of people have lost interest.

      I still think he has plans to do weird stuff with monetization (based off previous remarks he has made), but we will see if it ever ends up implemented.

        49 months ago

        Musk has moved on from trying to create an ‘internet bank’. Dude now wants to make something like LINE or WeChat, which is absolutely hilarious.

    189 months ago

    but not the bots… lol

    honestly i have no idea, but that will be musks excuse, it’s all the bots leaving.

    169 months ago

    I jumped over to Mastodon back in November, dual wielded for a couple of months until Tweetbot got shut down, then went 100% Mastodon. But every now and then I’ll log back in to Twitter and lurk to see what my old follows are up to.

    And it’s kinda sad, seeing them mostly just dunking on Musk and his ‘policies’, rather than just fucking it off altogether. Back in February I was missing following the people I’d been interacting with for over ten years, but now I don’t think I’d follow some of them even if they came over.

    Haven’t logged in for a few weeks now. I don’t really see the point any more.

      19 months ago

      I live in a country where reporters are kidnapped, jailed or getting account hacked since all GSM operators gave “root access” to the Strongman 's script kiddies.

      While reporters barely “eat” they were even forced to buy blue ticks because of new algorithm. Why? Because the general public didn’t give up the platform.

      Musk recently had a closed meeting with the Strongman even bringing his baby and promised some Tesla shit. His SpaceX also carry satellite missions of the regime.