Because what could possibly go wrong.

    19 months ago

    The difference is Toyota doesn’t have a contract with African Warlords to buy fleets of Hilux’s.

    You see how there is a difference in these two things?

        29 months ago

        By having a contract in place where they are supplying the platforms that are used to be weaponized they are part of the production line for them. By knowingly doing this they shouldn’t get a pass with a sly wink and playing dumb.

        In your analogy Toyota can’t even really stop it. It’s a mass marketed civilian vehicle that is probably stolen and shoddily retrofitted. That’s not the same thing as Toyota handing a cargo ship of trucks over to warlords and saying, “You behave now.” knowing full well they are gonna mount .50s to the crossbar. That’s what is happening with Boston Dynamics still selling these.