
      3511 months ago

      Maybe not by mass murdering innocent civilians?

      Defending yourself and annihilating an entire people are two different things.

      • hh93
        -411 months ago

        They told them to evacuate and Hamas told them to stay put which many did.

        So what’s your suggestion?

        Going in there with the army on the ground? That will probably result in even more casualties.

        Hamas is just evil with how they planned their bases around hospitals, churches or civilian buildings because they know that it’s impossible to target them without having civilian casualties. That’s the whole point.

        So Israel should just ignore that Hamas specifically targeted schools and civilians for their attack and not do anything? Seriously what’s your suggestion besides staying in your childish black and white thinking of optimal solutions.

        Civilian casualties are absolutely horrible but imho those are 100% Hamas fault for using them as meat shields and creating the necessity for a response by what they did to those victims of their attack.

        I know Palestine people don’t really have a choice since there were no elections in a long time so they are the biggest victims of this but imho putting the blame on Israel is just making it far too easy.

          11 months ago

          This is not a play ground. You don’t get to swing your fists wildly and blame any children who fail to get out of your way.

          It is on the military to avoid civilian casualties. And a fake evacuation order doesn’t cut it. They know there’s nowhere for people to go without passing the IDF lines but they aren’t allowing that. So get out of here with your fake outrage about human shields. You are attacking into the most densely populated area on earth. Their mere existence does not make them shields.

          • hh93
            111 months ago

            It is on the military to avoid civilian casualties.

            And what would be your solution to that? accept people to flee to Israel and put them in camps temporarily until they can go back? surely that won’t provoke negative reactions…
            Letting everyone roam freely also isn’t workint since Hamas has shown that they’d take any chance they get to harm Israeli civilians so they’re for sure not taking that chance.

            it’s always easy to criticize something and MUCH harder to come up with a better alternative - and I’ve yet to read someone state one other than “don’t attack Gaza” which would basically be like rolling over and letting the terrorists win which surely can’t be in people’s interest…

              311 months ago

              They are called Refugee Camps for a reason. That IS the alternative. If you want remove people from a combat area then Refugee Camps are the international gold standard.

          11 months ago

          Ofc I don’t have a solution, it would be ridiculous to claim that I did. But that doesn’t change the fact that genocide is not a solution either. It’s not like anything goes if no one has a perfect idea, and mass murdering civilians is pretty much the last thing on the list. It’s the one thing that should be avoided at all costs imo.

            111 months ago

            This does sound like the only option you give to Israel is to be demolished. Since you seem to agree no military action can be used against terrorist groups since it will always result in people dieing, the only other option is for Israel to leave. (Where to, btw?)

                311 months ago

                The majority of Palestinians, Hamas and other groups in Palestine are against a two-state-solution. Their goal is to have Israel gone. While the international community can likely pressure Israel into stopping to attack Gaza, how do you suggest they stop the terrorist attacks on Israel from Gaza?

                  011 months ago

                  I know, that doesn’t mean Israel is going away. They are the more powerful of the two by a big margin and they have very strong international support, they will be just fine. Imo it is their job to prevent as many attacks as possible, endure the rest and keep working towards a peaceful solution. I know this is hard, but Israel is easily strong enough to do that, and the alternative is infinitely worse.

                    11 months ago

                    How do you suggest they get back the people currently kidnapped in Gaza? How are they supposed to protect themselves from suicide bombers? Or are these the things you say they should “just take”?

                    What you want (Israel just taking the attacks and try to defend themselves) is what people want to abolish who chant “Free Palestine”. Because they want open borders for Palestinians and no retaliation against Hamas which is the situation they had in the past. Which lead to more attacks and deaths.

                    I feel a lot of people don’t really know an awful lot about Palestine and how it is ruled. There are several groups in Palestine, especially Gaza, who enforce Sharia law, for example. Women are heavily oppressed, LGBTQ rights are non existent. There were several attacks in Palestine from Palestinians against other Palestinians in a crusade to enforce Islamism.

                    They idea that the multiple extremist groups in Palestine will just peacefully sit by while in Israel you have everything they find despicable, on land they see as holy, is more than naive. You are asking for a constant of terror for both sides.

          • hh93
            -411 months ago

            ofc is should be avoided at all cost - but the way it looks now it’s pretty much impossible to avoid given how Hamas is playing this…

              • hh93
                111 months ago

                Do you believe Hamas would avoid civil casualties if Israel didn’t do those strikes and let them do whatever they wanted?

                  011 months ago

                  I think It’s pretty obvious that Hamas has never been and will never be able to kill nearly as many people as Israel is killing right now.

                  • hh93
                    111 months ago

                    So they should have free reign to kill Israelis unpunished whenever they want since it’s impossible to get to them without casualties because of how they play it?

          -611 months ago

          no answers, only downvotes lol

          Users don’t want to openly admit they want Israel to just die and disappear.

      1711 months ago

      By not financing Hamas?

      Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.

      According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.