• @SuddenlyBlowGreen@lemmy.world
    09 months ago

    “Broadly, the Biblical… equally to any other resident alien.”*

    What you forgot you mention about the wikipedia page, is that these are not facts, but quotes from a religious scholar.

    A religious scholar, who would greatly benefit from people thinking of positively of his religion.

    If google puts it on their wikipedia page that them avoiding hundreds of millions in taxes is in context a really good thing, would you believe them?

    Slavery pre-American colonial settlement is far more nuanced than people realize.

    I don’t even need to respond to it, it just speaks for itself.

    Is it though?

    Yes. It’s literally “All of you are equal, some are just more equal than others”.

    Which is to say neither men or women are above the other, they are equal to God.

    Ah, I see. “Seperate but equal”.

    True, but an employee at a large company cannot become the CEO (yes, I know it’s “technically” possible, but how often does that happen?).

    It is possible, and it does happen.

    In fact, every employee can start their own company and become its CEO.

    A more apt analogy would be, a company where white people can become managers and C-suite, but black people cannot.

    Would you support this?

    That being said, slavery in the Bible isn’t what you think it is (as I mentioned earlier in my comment). A slave would only receive such punishment if they did something extremely heinous, like murder someone.

    “The condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner’s control, especially in involuntary servitude.”

    Yep, that fits.

    I’ll never understand how people like you can sink to such levels, defending slavery.

    And again, the rampant homophobia.